In many countries, drug users are persecuted, the police arrest them because of their use of drugs and sometimes lock them up for years and people are forced to undergo rehabilitation under ugly circumstance which is not effective. Drug users are often abused and excluded from our society, even the families of the user often have little understanding of the possible consequences of social exclusion. This makes drug users an isolated, vulnerable group. Social isolation and dependence on drugs often reduce the human nature of the users and can lead to suicide attempt.
Outlook humanitarian care initiative is also a platform supporting organization worldwide who are working with people who use drugs. We foster long term relationship with local organization. OHCI sensitized the people on danger of using chemical substances through workshops and seminars. As a body who works with drug users, outlook is the right partner for you. Drug users often live in the margin of society and are not easy to reach.
Addiction begins as pleasure seeking an end as pain. Outlook does not promote the use of drugs nor do we involve ourselves in the global debate around legalization of drugs. We are convinced that a drug free world is a dream that cannot be realized. Outlook is an NGO formed on scriptural teachings and grounded on principles of change or transformation of human life. We are operating on foundation of harm reduction against drugs users and abstained from drugs.
OHCI is working on improvement of the health, quality of life and living condition of drug users without imposing moral pressure on them.
OHCI are working with international bodies like WHO, UNDO, UNAIDS, UNHCR and UN women to recognize the devastating impact of punitive drug policies on health, human rights and development and call on member states to revise them and pursue sustainable development goal including gender equality that promotes a transformed world. As a group representing women who use drugs from all corners of the world. International network of women who use drugs believes such as a transformation is possible without drug criminalization and prohibition, we are committed to protection of human rights and promote equality and the empowerment of women and girls in the framework of sustainable development. This two cannot be achieved without eliminating punitive drug policies that disproportionately harm women.
Studies explain adolescent’s vulnerability to addictive drugs. Researchers have discovered reasons why are more prone to drug addiction than adult with factors that could lead to new treatment for addictive disorders. The current use of drugs by our young people is said to be the biggest causes of school dropout on our time. Many social scientist and health educators said young people are mostly abusing and misuse them is commonly found in public schools and it is a problem of ignorance, lack of knowledge about action of chemical substances on the organism and the lack of knowledge about complex human behavior itself.
OHCI observe there is problem of communication among scientist in different disciplines between parents and children and the generation brought up before television, Jet-Age problem of education to our current societal values and desire to make money fast by the adolescents contributing to the high rate of drug abuse.